I went to London for a few days shortly before christmas in 2018. For the first time ever, I left my digital camera at home and only brought my Nikon FE2 and a couple of rolls of Tri-X 400 (as well as my phone which of course also features a camera). It definitely felt weird. As I wasn’t sure how much the X-ray affects the negatives, I asked not to have the film rolls put though the scanner at airport security. They agreed after having swiped me from head to toes for chemical traces.
As it turned out I did not miss my digital Sony A7 at all. London is such a photogenic city and even during night times when it was dark, it was possible to shoot at decent shutter speeds. I don‘t shoot analogue to capture perfectly sharp images but to capture an atmosphere, so “decent shutter speed” is relative here.
One of the most fascinating features of an analogue camera are double exposures. Of course it is possible to overlay digital images way easier, but to only see the result once the film was developed rather is way more exciting than being able to control every little detail of the result as with digital.
As I mentioned earlier, I also brought my phone and took some additional colour images on it.